7 Encouraging Christian Books
Are you slogging through a difficult season? When Hope is Hard, I look for encouraging Christian books that point me toward hope, faith, and grace. If that’s what you’re looking for today, you’re in the right place!
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7 Encouraging Christian Books
To Read When Hope is Hard
If you’ve been following my saga of woes, here’s a mini update. Our son finished Army Basic and AIT and is nicely settled at his first duty station far from home…and preparing to be even farther from home in just a few months. Send tissues and chocolate.
My foot–after thirteen weeks in the walking boot and seventeen weeks of rest and elevation–is definitely improving and on the way to health. Yay for no surgery at this time! However, I’m now in the middle of a horrid asthma flare–my first serious flare since I began my new biologic in January–and I’m back on oral steroids. Of course, I’m fearful that this means the biologic is failing me, but trying to remain hopeful.
Anyhow…I’ve been focusing on books that point me to hope and grace and have compiled a list of 7 encouraging Christian books that I recommend to you in your difficult time. Let’s go!

One Year Book of Hope by Nancy Guthrie
If you’ve followed me for long, you’ve seen me recommend this lovely devotional. It was given to me in a time of pain and uncertainty by a dear friend, and was an anchor for my faith and my hope. Since, I’ve given countless copies as gifts. Scripturally sound, deep, tender, and full of compassion, this is a treasured book. It is also available in a lovely imitation leather cover, which makes it even more appealing as a gift. Nancy Guthrie has written many other books, and I recommend her work without reservation.

It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way by Lysa Terkeurst
Wow. This one blew me away. A raw, brutally honest, and Scripture-full book, this is the story of Lysa’s journey through a marriage and health crisis. At the end of each chapter there are questions for further thought (or journalling), suggested Scripture to study, and a prayer. It is a powerful book. There is a workbook available to go along, and it’s on my wishlist! Lysa has written many books, and I recommend her body of work.

God’s Grace in Your Suffering by David Powlison
David Powlison is a Christian counselor, author, teacher, counselor, and executive director of Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation. This book explores how God works in our suffering and points to God’s grace. You will never go wrong with any of David Powlison’s books. Highly recommended!

Suffering is Never for Nothing by Elisabeth Elliot
“There is, in fact, no redemptive work done anywhere without suffering.” This new book was published posthumously, so it may be unknown to you. It’s a beautiful and hope-full book on the inevitability and purpose of suffering. Elisabeth Elliot is one of my favorite authors, and I whole-heartedly recommend each of her books.

One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp
I’m not exaggerating at all when I say this book was life-changing for me. I stumbled across it when I was struggling with depression, and the author introduced me to the concept of gratitude journaling. This book is also available in a lovely imitation leather edition, and there is also a companion study guide and a devotional available. Ann Voskamp’s brutally honest and lyrical writing is a favorite of mine. I recommend all her books.

The Scars that Have Shaped Me by Vaneetha Rendall Risner
The author shares her story of debilitating physical pain, bullying, multiple miscarriages, the death of a child, abandonment, unwanted divorce…and invites us to taste the sustaining grace of God. This is a short book with quick chapters that I love to read along with my daily devotions.

Glorious Weakness by Alia Joy
“But I never imagined that the call for the last twenty years would be to stay and walk faithfully with God while struggling with mental illness, unable to be involved in any ‘ministry’. I didn’t know my ministry would be words often written from hospital beds or in recovery. That I’d shake out my story with trembling hands and I’d testify to a God who meets me here when I haven’t a single thing to offer.” Aliah Joy
My copy of this book is strewn with yellow highlights and colorful sticky flags. This is a brutal account of faith and doubts, questions and fears, loss and gain, hopelessness and hope. Loss, sexual abuse, rejection, cancer, mental illness: be prepared for hard topics to be addressed. Even if you personally don’t need this book right now, it’s full of thoughtful suggestions of how not to help someone who is hurting…thoughts, words, attitudes to be abandoned because they only heap more pain on a sufferer.
Suggested Encouraging Blogs to Follow
In addition to these 7 Encouraging Christian Books, here are some favorite writers I follow. The words of these women consistently encourage me and point me toward hope.
Liz Curtis Higgs
While I highly enjoy the fiction of Liz Curtis Higgs, I am also encouraged by her Bible studies and by her social media. I follow her on Twitter and Facebook, and also signed up for her monthly newsletter. She brings a continual stream of joy into my life.
Ann Voskamp
Beautiful, honest words and the loveliest photos imaginable feel like a small pause of worship in a busy day.
Maree Dee
At Embracing Life in the Unexpected, Maree Dee shares encouragement and hope. She often focuses on the challenges of living with mental illness and faithfully loving people who suffer with mental illness.
Thank you so much for this list of great books! I love reading books and some have been truly transformational. My personal favourite from the list is the book from Lysa Terkeurst. I have taken part as well in the online Bible study on this book and it helped me so much! I was dealing with a heavy trauma at that moment and God ministered to me in such an amazing way through Lysa. Blessings!
I’m glad this post was helpful. ☺️ That online study sounds wonderful. It’s a great book for a group study.
What a great list! I’ve read a few and a few of the others are on my radar. I keep hearing about Glorious Weakness. I may need to get a copy!
Thank you for visiting my blog. I appreciate you. ☺️
I feel so honored to be mentioned. Thank you!
I love your list of books, and I have pinned it for future reference. A few of them I have in my stack of books to read. I wish I had more time for reading.
I feel we need more Christian voices in the mental health conversation. Thank you for your vulnerability, and also thank you to your daughter. She is strong and brave. And you are, too!
What a great list Kim! I have read all but one and can attest they are all excellent choices. Pinned. Thanks for linking up at InstaEncouragements!
Thank YOU! 💕
I love finding new books! Thanks for sharing this list! Just reading the title of “The Scars that Shaped Me” gets me thinking about my own story!
I’d love to hear your story! Isn’t that the best thing about books? Helping us realize how our stories have shaped us for good and bad, sometimes skewed our perceptions…and helping us do the work to grow as well as be more compassionate.