Come Join the Crochet Along!
“She seeks wool and flax, and works willingly with her hands.” Proverbs 31:13
Who Wants to Join Me for Some Crocheting Fun?
January tends to find me in a bit of a funk. Is it just me? Anyone out there who can relate?
I think there are many reasons this happens: letdown after the festivities, missing my kids and grands, unrealistic expectations. I could go on and on. (I can always go on and on, just ask my kids or my hubby.)
I digress.
For the past two years, I’ve joined a Crochet Along with Lucy at Attic 24. I so enjoy Lucy’s blog and her tutorials. It’s exciting to have a new project to look forward to in January; I’ve found it effective in helping combat those January blues. Here’s a photo of two completed afghans I’ve worked as a Crochet Along with Attic 24, and a third afghan still in progress. Aren’t they lovely?
I’m still working on my 2018 goals (more about that will be coming soon on the blog!). I know one of my goals will be making time for more creative projects, so how perfect to start the year off with a Creative Bang!
The color palette of this year’s project–the Woodland Blanket–is lovely. Although these fall-leaf-inspired colors are not “my” colors, crocheted afghans are perfect gifts for loved ones.
The colors are Copper, Tomato, Spice, Gold, Mustard, Lime, Pistachio, Lincoln, Meadow, Cypress, Mocha, Grey, Silver, Duck Egg, and Storm Blue.
The Crochet-Along begins on Friday, January 5 with weekly installments every Friday throughout January and February. Lucy’s instructions are extremely clear and easy to follow, with numerous photographs. You will find the link to the project introduction and the yarn pack ordering link at the end of this blog. I’m not an affiliate with Yarn Warehouse and receive no commission; I’m simply inviting you to join me for an enjoyable activity. I’ll be blogging about my experience along the way.
The yarn pack is available through Yarn Warehouse, which is located in the UK. My total cost including shipping was 25.07 pounds, which converts to $33.30 at today’s Exchange Rate, according to Google. My pack arrived within a week, so while an order placed today wouldn’t come in time to be wrapped and under the tree, it would still make a great Christmas gift and will arrive in time for the project commencement.
Here are all the links you need! If you decide to play along, please comment below.
Attic 24 Woodland Stripe Blanket
Kim, I may be willing to try this with you… I am so bad about finishing projects and we have quilting going on for the nursing homes too… I have never taken anything on this big. How did you pay for this bag of yarn? Do they accept our credit cards? I am also nervous about using my credit card overseas like that…
I actually used Paypal, but I used exclusively credit cards when we went on our overseas trips. This is a well-established long-time business. I’ve purchased from them four times: three times I used my credit card, and I’m pretty sure I used PayPal this time. I’ve never had any issue.
Oh cool I will use PayPal! I am excited! Maybe I will finish it!!! 🙂💜
I am also in! 2017 was a hectic year. My husband had operations as well as my dad. But we have been blessed with everyone now being healthy and happy. My eldest daughter is starting school next year, so I need something to do in the car while waiting for school to be out 🙂
I’m glad to hear everyone is well, and excited you’re joining the crochet-along. Welcome!