Advent Devotionals | Prepare for Christmas
Advent Devotionals | Preparing Your Heart for Christmas
Celebrating the entire season of Advent was not part of my life until the past decade or so. I’m not sure why not, but somehow it never occurred to me. Advent was categorized as something only Liturgical worshippers celebrated. I’m thankful I expanded my horizons and began to search for Advent devotions and books to prepare my heart for Christmas.
Now I’m sharing some of my favorite resources with you, and would love to have you add to the list!
Free Advent Devotionals
First, I’m sharing a few free resources to get you started right away. I love the She Reads Truth Advent studies. I downloaded their app and purchase the devotionals, although you can study for free here at their website. Their physical study books are so lovely that I treat myself to one each Christmas.
You will also find many free Advent resources at Ann Voskamp’s website.
Advent Devotionals for the Family
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Do you still have children at home–or live near grandchildren? If so, here are some beautiful ideas to share Advent with the family.

Unwrapping the Greatest Gift: A Family Celebration of Christmas by Ann Voskamp
This beautifully illustrated book contains daily devotionals for the family, Scripture readings, discussion questions, and Advent activities. I think you will love it and use it for many years to come!

Jotham’s Journey: A Storybook for Advent by Arnold Ytreeide
Ten-year old Jotham travels across Israel searching for his family. Along the way he encounters danger at every turn, but he also meets shepherds, angels, Wise Men, and finally…baby Jesus. A beautiful and relatable telling of the Christmas story.

The Advent Jesse Tree by Dean Lambert Smith
Another family-friendly option, these daily Advent devotions are written in two versions (one for children and one for adults) including a scripture, a story and commentary, questions to ask, a prayer, and a song.
Each devotional story is paired with a representative symbol that traces the heritage of Jesus. You may choose to decorate a Jesse Tree using homemade or purchased ornaments that correlate with each symbol.
Advent Devotionals | Daily Devotions
The next category of recommended books are Daily Devotionals. These books have a reading and short devotional thoughts for each day of the Advent season, which begins on the fourth Sunday preceding Christmas.

God is in the Manger by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Dietrich Bonhoeffer was imprisoned and then executed by the Third Reich as an enemy of the state during the closing days of WWII. The book is compiled from his sermons and excerpts from his prison writings. They are rich in Scripture, heartwarming, and convicting. I hold a special place in my heart for the writings of those who were willing to die for their faith and their convictions.

The Dawning of Indestructible Joy by John Piper
What [Peter] really means [in 2 Peter 1:13 and 3:1], and what I mean, by being “awakened” or “stirred up” is to feel some measure of the joy God intends Christmas to bring. “Behold, I bring you good news of great joy” (Luke 2:10). Not small joy. Not modest joy. But “great joy”. If we don’t feel this when we ponder the incarnation of the Son of God, we need “awakening”. We need to be “stirred up”. –John Piper
This lovely book certainly stirs up joy and awe in my heart.

The Greatest Gift: Unwrapping the Full Love Story of Christmas by Ann Voskamp
I don’t want a Christmas you can buy. I don’t want a Christmas you can make. What I want is a Christmas you can hold. A Christmas that holds me, remakes me, revives me. I want a Christmas that whispers, JESUS. –Ann Voskamp
Oh, how I love Ann Voskamp’s lyrical writing, her transparency, and her love for Christ.

Come Let Us Adore Him by Paul David Tripp
This book of daily readings by one of my favorite Christian writers will help you slow down, prepare your heart, and focus on what matters most in Christmas: Christ.

The Women of Christmas by Liz Curtis Higgs
A fresh perspective on Advent. Liz Curtis Higgs–always a favorite author of mine–looks at the Christmas story through the eyes of Mary, Elizabeth, and Anna. Such a beautiful book. I highly recommend this one to you.
Advent Reading
Next, I’m sharing some favorite Advent reading. While these do not have daily readings, they are beautiful works that draw us to the awe and miracle of the Incarnation. I read a few pages every day during Advent season.

Hidden Christmas: The Surprising Truth About the Birth of Christ by Timothy Keller
The same truths written from a fresh perspective. I continually find myself reading an excerpt aloud to my husband.

Be the Gift by Ann Voskamp
Not strictly a Christmas book, but I love it at Christmas time because it delves deeply into the holiness of gift giving…even when we are broken and feel we have nothing to give.

Reflections on the Christmas Story by Janette Oke
Oh, I can’t tell you how happy I am that this book is back in print! I have long loved Janette Oke’s novels, and I enjoy her unique take on the Christmas story. Enjoy!

Loving My Actual Christmas by Alexandra Kuykendall
If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed or frazzled by the Christmas to-do list, this book is for you! I love the practical tips and strategies to lose the hustle and find the holy in Christmas. Although it’s not exactly a devotional, it is broken down into the four weeks of Advent with readings for each day.
My Advent Playlist
Finally, I’ve been working on an Advent Playlist on Spotify, and I’d love to share it with you! Here’s the link. I’ve never done this before, so let me know if it doesn’t work for you!
I know I’ve overlooked many great books, and I can’t wait to hear your suggestions for what should be added to this list. Please share in the comments or by emailing at How are you doing this Advent season? Where are you struggling? What is bringing joy to you and pointing you toward Christ? Let’s encourage one another!
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Our Pastor and his wife gave all of the congregation the book “Oh Come Let us Adore Him” for Christmas. I am so excited. I too have not ever done a lot for Advent. Love you friend
Ohhh, I can’t wait to hear what you think of the book! Love you!