Beholding and Becoming Book Review
Beholding and Becoming Book Review
Beholding and Becoming: The Art of Everyday Worship by Ruth Chou Simons
I am so excited to share this lovely, encouraging, Scripture-filled book. If you’re in need of rest and refreshment in the midst of weary and worn…this book is for you, my friend.
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Beholding and Becoming by Ruth Chou Simons
I have come to expect a lot from a Ruth Chou Simons book.
She never disappoints.
Beholding and Becoming: The Art of Everyday Worship is a call to behold God in His glory and beauty, and become ever more Christlike. It is a soul-stirring reminder to set our heart on what is truly worthy of worship.
The lovely artwork, illustrated hymn lyrics, and faithfully Scriptural content consistently point us toward God.
Beholding and Becoming Book: A Call to Faithfulness
When we choose to look up from folding the laundry to see the sunset signaling dinner is near, we have opportunity to behold His steady provision of time and consider the work we’ve completed good.” Ruth Chou Simons, Beholding and Becoming.
I love the emphasis on faithfulness, the importance of the mundane, the calling to remain. Sometimes we need to be reminded that wiping up spills with a grateful heart is serving God.
I especially appreciate the reminder that it’s okay to be small, which is something I often ponder and have written about in Is My Dream Too Small?
I’m convinced you will love this book as I do and will want to order extra copies to give as gifts. I also recommend Ruth’s other books, which I’ve reviewed here: Gracelaced and Garden of Truth Book Review.
I am a member of the Beholding and Becoming book launch team, and received a free digital copy in exchange for an honest review.
Pre-order Beholding and Becoming Book Here
But Wait! Pre-order Bonuses if You Order 1 Book Before September 10!
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- 8 x 10 Printable
- Behind the scenes interview with Ruth
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Extra Bonuses if You Order 3 Books Before September 10!
You receive all bonuses above, PLUS:
- 3 Full length painting videos
- 3 Exclusive 5 x 7 Printables
- Invitation to exclusive webcast with Ruth featuring live painting and Q & A time.
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Related Links
Is My Dream Too Small?
How to Cultivate Hope in Difficult Seasons
When Hope is Hard
7 Lessons Learned in My Difficult Season
I love Ruth’s writing and art! So happy to be your neighbor at Sue’s link up today.
Thank you, Elizabeth!