Between Storms | Preparing for Life’s Trials

“Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you.” 1 Peter 4:12
Between Storms
We are currently between storms here in Oklahoma. We had a dangerous storm move through on Sunday evening (Twelve tornadoes in one storm! Large hail! Lightning! Thunder! Wind!), and we’re expecting another storm system late tonight.
My parents came over to spend Sunday evening with us. We have an in-ground storm shelter and they do not. Thankfully, the tornadoes were not near us and we never ventured underground.
It’s not just having a storm shelter: there are many tasks we do to prepare for a dangerous storm. For instance, I check to see if the flashlights need fresh batteries. Bring in the battery-operated camping lanterns. Gather up all our prescriptions and the dog’s prescriptions, get the birth certificates and other important documents and place them in my “go bag”. Make sure there is bottled water and the hand-crank weather radio in the storm shelter…and clear the shelter of unwanted guests such as spiders.
We know storms will come in Oklahoma; this is part of life. Our most deadly storms are tornadoes and ice storms, and we make sure to be prepared for these inevitable occurrences.
But it’s not only weather storms in life, is it? No, we must also face storms of a more emotional nature.
Between Storms | Preparing for Life’s Trials
Just as we physically prepare for weather storms, I’ve discovered that I must be prepared for life’s storms. These storms are just as inevitable, and just as destructive.
For the longest time in my adult life, I didn’t grasp that emotional trials are an inevitable part of life. I was taken by surprise when storms came upon me; I was caught unaware and unprepared.
I’ve finally come to understand the fact that is clearly stated throughout the Bible: “In this world, you will have tribulation.” John 16:33. We cannot escape illness, loss, financial setbacks, relationship struggles, or grief. Trials are part and parcel of this life.
For years, when beset by any trial or frustration, I had two reactions:
First, guilt. What did I do to deserve this? Have I done something wrong? Now, I don’t think it’s wrong to question if I brought a storm upon myself. Sometimes we do: sowing and reaping is a Biblical principal we would all do well to learn. But that is another topic for a different day. Frequently–regularly–trials are just part of this fallen world.
A second common response of mine to trials was to immediately flounder in my faith. I was stunned that God would allow troubling things into my life, and therefore thrown into a tizzy of doubt and confusion.
Once I accepted that trials and tribulations are to be expected–that we’re living life between storms–I found that elusive “peace that passes all understanding” (Philippians 4:6). I invite you to join me in this acceptance, and to actively prepare for life’s inevitable trials.
Practical Prep for Living Between Storms
Just as I change batteries and lay out the necessities before a weather storm, I can prepare physically and practically for the unexpected. Here are some practical things to do:
- Create a financial reserve. Having cash on hand to purchase a new fridge or make a trip for a funeral will make a crisis so much more manageable.
- Physically care for your body. Make it a habit to get enough sleep, eat a generally healthy diet, exercise regularly, and maintain medical checkups. When heading into a time of crisis, we want to start from a healthy baseline.
- Keep a small stockpile of necessities. When family descends upon you unexpectedly, it’s good to know you have toilet paper and bath soap in the house. Or if you must pick up and hurriedly fly out, it’s a comfort to have enough prescription medication to get you through the rest of the month.
Emotional Prep for Living Between Storms
Next, I want to purposely nurture my emotional health. Here are a couple ideas:
- Cultivate meaningful friendships. Ladies, we must prioritize our community! Seek wise and emotionally resilient women and intentionally cultivate true friendship. Get below the surface and be real with one another; build trust. Then when trials come to your life–or theirs–you can truly support one another.
- Nurture personal emotional resilience. We must learn to dwell on truth, to surround ourself with encouraging and uplifting voices: in person and online.
Spiritual Prep for Living Between Storms
Last, this is where “the rubber meets the road”. Oh, I want to live in God’s peace and strength, to encourage others even in my time of trouble. Here are a few things to do to prepare:
- Faithfully study God’s Word. When we study, meditate, hide Scripture in our heart, God can readily bring those truths to mind in our darkest hour. If I’m already weak and struggling in my faith, it’s that much harder to create healthy devotional habits.
- Stay engaged in your faith community. Be faithful in church; build those relationships. Then you can truly bear one another’s burdens.
- Be constantly growing! Surround yourself with spiritual mentors, both in person and virtually. We are blessed to have so many resources: podcasts, Christian books, online conferences and church services. Grow, grow, grow! I’ll share links to helpful blog posts and resources at the end of this post.
- Pray that you will remain steadfast and faithful. I love to pray Scripture over my life and my loved ones. Praying in the shower, while walking or driving, in bed…continually, habitually. Also, I like to write out my prayers. Sometimes I find a passage and write it out, adding in my own name or others’ names into the verse.
Oh, my friends, please accept the truth that we are living between storms. We must gird ourselves physically, emotionally, and spiritually so we are not taken by surprise or unprepared. This is our reality in the fallen world in which we live.
I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
Jesus, John 16:33
I would love to hear from you, my friend. How have you grappled with living between storms? What are you doing to prepare yourself for valiant faith when the storms come? Please share!
Here are some resources I think you will find helpful.
How to Cultivate Hope in Difficult Seasons
When Hope is Hard
How to Fuel Hope in the Darkness
Books to Strengthen & Encourage
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This was so thoughtfully articulated. It confirmed my own steps, His word,, His presence, & His body, Hi
Thank you, Sarah. I’m glad it encouraged you; you have encouraged me!