I’ve Been Reading | February Books
I’ve Been Reading | February Books
Welcome to I’ve Been Reading, February Book Recommendations! I’m excited to share my favorites of the books I’ve read so far this year in January and February. If you’re like me, you’re always searching for your next great read. Maybe you’ll find it here, because I have fifteen exceptionally engaging books to share with you. As always, I only share the books I loved!
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I’ve Been Reading Fiction

Send for Me by Lauren Fox
It’s only February, but I’ve already found a strong contender for Book of the Year. A lovely, heartbreaking story of three generations, set in Germany and the USA. Using dual timelines, the action takes place beginning in pre-WWII Germany and continues to the present day. Whatever you do, don’t neglect to read the Author’s Note at the back. Prepare to cry.

The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah
And here’s another hard-hitting heartbreaker. I looked forward to this book because I knew it was set in the Texas panhandle during the Dust Bowl, and my Texan and Oklahoman ancestors lived through that disaster. This is pretty heavy and sad, but it will definitely stay with me. Elsa wants nothing more than to belong and to be loved. When she finds herself battling for survival in the Dust Bowl and then as a migrant worker in California, she discovers her strength.
If you can read about her horrific migrant experience without hearing Tennessee Ernie Ford singing “Sixteen Tons” in your head, then you obviously didn’t have parents who played “oldies” as you were growing up. You missed out.

The Survivors by Jane Harper
Superbly written and paced mystery/thriller. Past tragedy casts a shadow over a new crime. This is a riveting story about grief, shame, guilt, unanswered questions, and the aftermath left behind. It has a little crass language.
I’ve Been Reading Christian Fiction

A Name Unknown by Roseanna M. White
If you enjoy Christian historical fiction I think you’ll like this lengthy read. The plot was fresh, and it’s full of flawed and growing characters and numerous moral and ethical quandaries. This one will make you think. This is book one of the Shadows Over England series, but the story was complete in itself.

Echoes Among the Stones by Jaime Jo Wright

The Reckoning of Gossamer Pond by Jaime Jo Wright
All right, let’s talk about Jaime Jo Wright. She’s a Christian Fiction writer, but she definitely has her own specific niche. If you enjoy suspense/mystery/thriller/spooky stories, then she’s your girl. She’s not afraid to tackle difficult topics; she doesn’t feel compelled to wrap everything up with a neat little bow. I’m super sensitive, and I had to quit one of her novels because it gave me nightmares, but I’ve enjoyed everything else I’ve read of hers. If you’re intrigued by this description, why don’t you give her a try and see what you think?
I’ve Been Reading Christian Nonfiction
Now for some Christian Nonfiction. Can I just say Wow! These are all such wonderful, soul-searching, amazing books and I highly recommend each and every one.

Sensing God by Joel Clarkson
This book calls us to engage with the beauty all around us and allow it to point us to the glory and majesty of God. I loved it so much that I wrote an entire post about it, and you can click and read it here: Sensing God Book Review. It is an exceptional book.

Lead by Paul David Tripp
This is a great book. Its twelve principles–built on characteristics such as humility, dependency, accountability–encourages leaders to lead with Christ-likeness. It gets right to the heart of the matter, as one would expect from this author. I think the principles are applicable to anyone who leads in any capacity: parenting, work, church.

Love Centered Parenting by Crystal Paine
This is one of the best parenting books I have ever read. Crystal is so transparent and honest about parenting failures, missteps, and wrong motives. I have been so blessed and encouraged by how humbly she has shared the lessons she has learned. The book is full of practical steps to “Lean in and love” when your child is struggling, keys for communication, and an appendix full of helpful resources. I plan to devote an entire post to a book review, so I won’t go in depth here. Follow me on Instagram, where I’ll be teaming up with Crystal to do a book giveaway in March!
As a Book Launch Team member, I was given a digital copy of this book to read and honestly review.
I’ve Been Reading Home Decor Books
Ooo! Next I have three gorgeous books full of simple home decor inspiration. They are all so lovely and relaxing to browse through.

Welcome Home by Myquillyn Smith
A Cozy Minimalist Guide to Decorating and Hosting All Year Round. Oooo! So practical and pretty. Myquillyn encourages using what you already have and procuring decor from nature. In addition to home decor, the book is full of super tips and recipes for hosting stress-free gatherings and using your home for hospitality. I give this book five stars.

Cozy White Cottage by Liz Marie Galvan
Subtitled 100 Ways to Love the Feeling of Being Home, this book is full of lovely photos. I enjoyed her chatty conversational style.

The Natural Home by Hans Blomquist
This is a lovely coffee table book with gorgeous photos. It’s full of rustic, natural decor. Lots of textures, antiques, scavenged items from nature. I borrowed this book from the library and was sorry when I had to return it.
I’ve Been Reading Cookbooks
Finally, I have three super splendiferous cookbooks to share with you! I read cookbooks like novels, savoring each photo and word. Who else does this?

Beautiful Boards by Maegan Brown
Ohhh, I love this cookbook! It’s so beautiful and fun and so accessible! Anyone could do this, even if you can’t cook. I’ve already bookmarked several of the boards to create when our kids and grands are able to visit us, and I have one planned for Joe and me tomorrow night. DIY hospitality is a favorite of mine…setting out “fixins” so everyone can create their own sub, sumptuous cheese boards, brownie sundae bars, etc. It’s just so fun. This is everything I ever wanted in a cookbook.

Graze by Suzanne Lenzer
And along the same lines…look at this gorgeous cookbook. “Inspiration for Small Plates and Meandering Meals”. Who doesn’t long for meandering meals?!? My only complaint about this cookbook is that it doesn’t have photos on every page. However, it is full of delicious-sounding and simple meals.

Alaska from Scratch by Maya Wilson
We lived in Alaska for eleven years, and I still miss it. Our oldest son and his family live there, and our youngest son is currently stationed there, so it still feels like home in many ways. I was excited to receive this cookbook as a Christmas gift. The photography is stunning, including some Alaskan landscape and wildlife photos. This is one of those cookbooks that feels more like a story than a cookbook. The author weaves poignant stories from her life throughout; I was especially touched by her stories of growing up with food insecurity. Yes, I cried over a cookbook. Who knew it was possible?