Mom Heart Moments Book Review
Mom Heart Moments Book Review
Are you looking for an encouraging daily devotional for your own use and for gift giving? If you’re a Mom, I think you’re going to love Mom Heart Moments by Sally Clarkson!
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Mom Heart Moments: Daily Devotionals for Life-giving Motherhood
We live in a world that values conformity. We want to use our force, our power, our authority to make people, and our children, fit into the box. Be good. Be tame. Be moral. Don’t bring attention to yourself. Don’t contend or question the norm.
All the personalities in our house have pushed my burtons through the years, but they have humbled me, too, in a good way. I know for sure that I cannot control my children–they are free agents with wills and desires and dreams, all unique to the call on their lives and the personalities God gave them.
No matter what personality each has, I am called to shepherd them to love God, to teach and train them to have the character they will need to complete the tasks God gives them to do in their lifetimes. Most importantly, I am called not to control but to release them into His hands to live out their uniqueness in a world that needs them to sparkle as God made them.” Sally Clarkson, Mom Heart Moments.
Mom Heart Moments Book: A Gentle Beginning for Your Day
Speaking gentle, encouraging, and convicting truths to your heart, Sally Clarkson’s new devotional is a welcome addition to your morning routine. Even the most sleepless and frazzled of moms will be able to find a few moments to savor this book daily. A short Bible passage for meditation, a lovely devotional with a question for thought or simple action to take round out these devotional pages.
I believe this book is a perfect gift for every mom. How I wish I had owned a copy when our own children were still at home. What a wealth of wisdom in these pages, including little suggestions that I would have loved to implement. “The Wonderful History of Sarah Box”…”I love you the Nathan-est, and you the Joy-est”…Ahh, so many sweet little ideas to show love to our children.
Sometimes, I so deeply wish I could go back and do it all again. Of course, that can never happen.
But I can encourage young mothers in their day-to-day mission. And giving away copies of this book would be a wonderful way to encourage those moms.
Order Mom Heart Moments Here!
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I frequently link up with these lovely bloggers.
I think this is on its way from Amazon – sorry I didn’t wait to link from you! Will make a great gift, I believe.
I agree, Sue! Thank you for stopping by. ☺️
I didn’t know Sally had another book out! I’ll have to add it to my Wishlist, as her books are some of my favorites.
Reading her books feels like you’re chatting with a loving and wise friend, right?
This looks like a great gift for all the Mama’s on my list! Perfect for Christmas! Thanks for the review and recommendation!
I agree! Thank you for dropping by!
Sounds good.
Yes, it does!