October Morning Walk | Blogtober 2021

“let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice; let the sea roar, and all that fills it; let the field exult, and everything in it! then shall all the trees of the forest sing for joy.” Psalm 96:11-12
October Morning Walk
October! Is there anything lovelier than a morning walk in October?
My favorite temperatures for walking are in the fifties to low sixties, and that is usually easy to come by on October mornings. My husband is working from home as he recovers from surgery this week, and it’s been lovely to have his company on our morning walks. Also Luma the Golden Retriever, of course! She would never allow us to leave her out of any walking opportunity.
Our neighborhood has wonderful walking trails alongside several small ponds. Multiple trees line the pathways, and my favorite part of the walkway has brush and wildflowers left to grow at will along the pond’s edge.
I’ve selected several photos I hope you will enjoy. Come along with us!
October Morning Walk in the Neighborhood

Thank you for joining me on my October Morning Walk.
I hope you enjoyed this little virtual visit. Where do you enjoy walking? I frequently walk with my parents or a dear friend, which is a special treat.
I’ll be sharing a few other posts you may enjoy below.
Fall Leaf Tour Talimena Parkway
How to Welcome Fall with an Easy Fire Fest
Fall Roundup | Favorite Fall Posts
Things I Enjoy
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I would love to pray for you. Please send prayer requests to kimturnermcculley@gmail.com.
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I would love to pray for you. Please send prayer requests to kimturnermcculley@gmail.com.

Kim, I love this. Thank you for sharing your walk, so beautiful. Blessings.
Blessings to you, Paula! Thank you for taking the time to read and to comment. I appreciate you.