Sensing God Book Review | Christian Recommendation
Sensing God Book Review | Christian Nonfiction
Ultimately, I write this book in the hopes that it will awaken your imagination for what it might mean to orient your senses toward the holy.” Joel Clarkson, Sensing God.
Sensing God Book Review
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Sensing God: Experience the Divine in Nature, Food, Music & Beauty by Joel Clarkson.
I loved this book.
Sensing God calls us to engage with the beauty all around us and see the glory and majesty of God. As I’ve read this book, my daily walks have been transformed into praise and worship times like never before. I have been attuned to the beauty of the trees, the marvel of the flying birds, the touch of the wind on my face, and responded to the Creator of these wonders.
Sensing God is full of Scripture, poetry, hymns, artwork, Church history, and quotes from Christians throughout the ages. This is a thinking Christian’s book, full of beautiful words to ponder. It will call you to respond to everyday life in worship.
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Sensing God by Joel Clarkson
Quotes from Sensing God Book
Knowledge is incomplete without a change of our hearts; this is because the One in home we find “the hope of glory” is not a what, but a who. We are not made ultimately to understand God but to adore Him, to draw close to Him and participate in His glory through Jesus, as Romans 8:17 tells us.”
“Our witness of beauty in the here and now is a foretaste of what is coming someday, and when we celebrate that beauty and give it back to our hurting world, not only do we honor Jesus, we create a touchpoint for the eternal, making it palpable in our present moment.”
“Indeed, our work is more than simply converting souls, but rather open people’s eyes to the grand reality of the truly true, of a sacramental world which longs to revel Jesus. We are to spend our lives transforming idols–dead ends which lead to sin and despair–into icons–windows through which the light of Christ shines. We are only able to do th9s if we reject the idolatry of our self-worship and allow ourselves to be transformed from the inside-out. This is the work of sacraments and of the sacramental world within which they are placed: that we ourselves are transformed from idols into icons.”
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*I received a free advance reader copy of this book from Tyndale House Publishers.