Transforming Your Thought Life Book Review
Transforming Your Thought Life
Book Review and Author Interview
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” Philippians 4:8
Transforming Your Thought Life? What is that all about?
Many years ago I committed Philippians 4:6-8 to memory. Why?
Because I knew I had a problem–and still do. If I stop “preaching to myself”, I can become mired in worry, fear, and anxiety quicker than you can imagine. Oh, I’m a ruminator. An overthinker. I can agonize over what ifs and catastrophize with the best of them.
So I memorize Scripture because I understand…
Transforming My Thought Life Transforms Everything.
Thinking–ruminating–meditating–on things that are true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent, and praiseworthy strengthens my faith and allows God to work in my life. If I want to be Spirit controlled in my actions and words, then I need to begin with my thoughts.
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I’m excited to introduce you to a book that fully fleshes out this principle.

Transforming Your Thought Life by Sarah Geringer
In Transforming Your Thought Life: Christian Meditation in Focus, Sarah teaches step-by-step how to meditate on God’s Word as instructed in Joshua 1:8 and many other verses. I appreciate how Sarah focuses on many different struggles and recommends multiple verses specific to each area of sin.
Each chapter ends with a beautiful, heart-felt prayer and questions for reflection. I’ve added several more books to my reading list from the many book references sprinkled throughout.
I appreciate Sarah’s openness, honestly, and tenderness throughout. But what really draws me to the book is her high regard for the power of God’s Word to sanctify and help us grow.
I highly recommend Transforming Your Thought Life.
Transforming Your Thought Life Author Interview
Transforming Your Thought Life Author Sarah Geringer
Why do we struggle so much in our thought lives?
Sarah: “Our thought lives form the structure for our words and actions. Every problem we have begins in our thoughts. Since no one else knows our thoughts except God, we think we can hide them. However, what you think in your inward life inevitably spills out onto your outward life. You can either be defeated in your thought life before you ever take action, or you can transform your thought life with the power of God’s Word. You can have victory in your thought life struggles by meditating on the truths in Scripture.”
How do our past experiences relate to current thought life problems?
Sarah: “Many of us experienced hurt and difficulties in our past that influence our lives now. For example, my parents divorced when I was four years old. The fallout from their divorce has affected nearly every area of my thinking. As a little girl, I began dealing with negative, anxious, fearful, and critical thoughts in response to the wounds the divorce caused. These thoughts carved paths in my conscious and subconscious mind that still tempt me today. I have used the power of Scripture to reroute those thought life paths. You can reroute your own thought pathways by using key scriptures in specific problems.”
How can Christian meditation help someone conquer thought life problems?
Sarah: “Christian meditation is simply focusing on a scripture and thinking about it with intent. The more you focus on God’s Word through meditation, the more you learn about God’s will for your life. You can apply scriptural truths directly to specific thought life problems and experience freedom. For example, if you struggle with painful thoughts, you can meditate on verses about God’s comfort. By repeating these verses every time you experience a painful memory, you can begin to reroute the neural pathways in your brain. When you do this over and over, you begin to think differently because God’s truth replaces the lies planted by your enemy Satan.”
What do you want readers to learn most from Transforming Your Thought Life?
Sarah: “I want readers to learn about the power God’s Word gives us to break free from spiritual strongholds. Many of us have Bibles in our possession, but do not understand how God’s Word literally holds the solution to all our problems. By internalizing God’s Word in our hearts through Christian meditation, our thought lives can truly be transformed for good.”
Thank you for speaking with us today about Transforming Your Thought Life, Sarah. I am praying this book will be a blessing and encouragement to many, and for God’s blessing and protection upon you and your family.
Sarah Geringer writes and speaks about finding peace in God’s Word. You can follow her blog at or find her on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn and Goodreads
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I am always looking for new ways to transform my thought life! This book looks amazing and I can’t wait to read it. T hanks for the review to help me find it!
I’m with you! I need all the help I can get. ☺️
“Thinking–ruminating–meditating–on things that are true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent, and praiseworthy strengthens my faith and allows God to work in my life.” Oh how true this is. Sarah’s book sounds like a good one. We all need to be reminded that our minds are truly transformed when we read, study and meditate on God’s word. Thanks for this review. Blessings to you! I found you on the facebook page of the Blogger Voices Network.
Thank you for stopping by, Gayl!